March 2023


What a month. March was busy but super fun. I turned 34. Had a little bit of a “What have I even done in life” crisis, then got over it. Its been a bit of a pattern for the last few years, since I turned 30, that birthdays make me think of what could I have done differently, have I lived a good life, etc etc. But on to more concrete things.

Charu and I realized that the game that we thought can be done in a week, will probably take much much longer. Working with a brand new tech like GPT and utilizing it into a game project is deceptively hard. In the beginning when we started the project, we estimated that it might take a week or so to make. More than a month in and we are still chipping away at it. But you know, you live and you learn.

Earlier this month, we did a workshop in collaboration with the folk at Hasgeek, on using midjourney in your creative workflow. That was the first workshop charu and I did together, and it was quite fun, with a lot of learning. We also met some super fun people from Ajaibghar, who we will hopefully collaborate with, in the future.

Kahran and I are about to finish 2 seasons of our podcast. That is a long time. This has been my third attempt at doing a podcast, and I’ve wanted to make one for so long, something that runs consistently, and it makes me feel so proud of us. Its also really special how much it has helped me evolve my own thinking.

Kahran and I have been able to figure out with increasing clarity what kind of business do we want to make, and who do we approach and what kind of work are we doing. Many more interesting client/potential conversations have happened and we are also starting to systematize our sales process.

And I continue to have cool conversations with startups. Had a couple of super interesting brand related chats with the folk at Cranberry Fit. Also had a conversation with them and charu (mostly led by charu) on how they can leverage ChatGPT to build an even smarter AI engine. I had another conversation with some friends who are in super early stages of their startup, about what ideas make sense and what they can do.

I am doing some really exciting things this month and looking forward to sharing those next month!


April 2023


February 2023